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Chinese Massage - Which One To Choose?


With regards to Chinese massage therapy, it is basically a combination of massage therapy as well as herbalism, which is originally inspired by traditional Chinese medication dating back 5000 years ago. Extracted ointments or essential herbs heated are typically used on patients to warm their body up in preparation for several methods utilized by the Chinese people.


As a matter of fact, such massage therapy provides two different types of technique and styles while providing the same objective. Most Chinese people believe that the energy circulating in the body is in charge of the person's condition and even their mindset. Both of the said approaches are focused in cleaning the energy path ways. Chi or in traditional Chinese known as Qi is an energy flowing in the human body; this energy should never be trapped or blocked because when such thing happen, it can potentially lead to unhealthy mental and physical state of the body.


Tui Na is the first type of Chinese Massage in Mandurah we will talk about and can also be considered as the most popular. Basically, this is more focused on the body's key points or typically known as the meridian points. There are various massage strokes and techniques that are being utilized to activate these meridian points similar to brushing, stretching, kneading, pulling, rubbing and rolling. In addition to that, Tui Na is taking advantage of different alternative Chinese medicine like the tai chi, acupuncture, fire cupping, and herbalism. Since it goes outside of being a massage, it has become a popular massage therapy because it is also capable of treating acute as well as chronic musculoskeletal conditions, minor and major diseases and even other health issues.


Zhi Ya is another known type of Chinese massage. But the thing is, this is not so popular not like Tui Na. It is a type of massage similar to Tui Na but is focused more on relaxing the patient's body and improving their overall health. In addition to that, Zhi Ya is concentrated on pinching and pressing the body of the patient. With this type of method, the therapy is purely based on acupressure. The assigned massage therapist is applying different levels of pressure on the points of the body throughout the entire session. Perhaps you may not believe it but Tui Na and also Zhi Ya have the same goals and objective even though their approaches seem to be different. Find out more about Asian massages here at


As a matter of fact, it does not matter what Chinese Mandurah Massages therapy you choose because both can probably provide the same health benefits and experience.